About the therapy process
Reach Out
The first step is a free initial screening call with either Esha or Terry. During this call you will have an opportunity to tell us a little about what is bringing you to treatment, hear from us about how therapy with us works, and have your questions about getting started answered.
At this point, if we both feel that working together would be a good fit, we will schedule an intake assessment session.
Intake Assessment & Treatment Planning
Your initial session is the “Intake assessment” session. During this time we will go more in depth about your current needs and concerns. We will gather lots of information from you in order to get to know you better and start the treatment planning process.
This process often goes into the second session, where we will collaboratively develop treatment goals and discuss a plan moving forward.
Get to Work!
We will schedule weekly sessions, or sessions at a frequency that we have agreed upon based on your needs, during which we will begin to actually use the skills and strategies that we discussed during treatment planning!
Maintenance and Termination
As you begin to see changes and progress towards your goals, we may gradually choose to decrease frequency of sessions in order to provide additional time to “practice.” Prior to ending treatment, we will discuss a plan for maintaining the progress made in therapy, as well as options for returning in the future if needed.
Sessions are scheduled for 55 minutes and are charged at the rate of $200.
Typically sessions are scheduled once per week, which we make our best efforts to schedule at a recurring time that works for you. There are times where you and your therapist may determine that more or less frequent sessions are clinically indicated, this will be discussed directly with your therapist in order to determine frequency of sessions. It is not unusual to gradually decrease treatment frequency over time as you make progress towards treatment goals.
We are an out of network (OON) provider, which means that we do not contract directly with insurance companies. This gives us more flexibility over planning treatment based on your actual clinical needs, rather than jumping through hoops to ensure that we are satisfying insurance requirements that can limit services.
Many of our clients have out of network benefits through their insurance carrier. For those who have and wish to use these benefits, we provide a “superbill” for you to submit directly to your insurance company for reimbursement.
We understand that life happens at there may be times where you have to cancel or reschedule a session. In these cases we ask that you provide at least 24 hours notice in order to avoid a late cancellation fee.
Length of treatment varies greatly from person to person, and often lasts from a couple of months up to a year or more. There are many factors that influence this, including complexity of presenting concerns, complex trauma history, available supports, and your consistency, effort, and commitment to attend sessions regularly and “practice” skills between sessions (just to name a few). You and your therapist will review and discuss progress towards treatment goals periodically.
You and your therapist will discuss goals for treatment during the initial couple of sessions, and will review these periodically during treatment. As you begin to notice decrease in distress surrounding your presenting issues, and/or increase in ability to use therapy skills to manage concerns, you may discuss decreasing treatment frequency and planning for termination. This should be an open and ongoing conversation between you and your therapist.
It certainly isn’t the norm, but there may be circumstances where we find treatment isn’t progressing the way that we initially hoped and planned for. At this time we may review any barriers to treatment progress and problem solve together in order to determine the best next steps.
Sometimes this is a simple adjustment in schedule, more structured between session “work,” or exploring additional information or factors that may be contributing to presenting issues. Other times, we may find that a referral to another provider who uses different, specialized, or more intensive treatment, or to a higher level of care may be necessary.
Either way, treatment progress should be an open and ongoing discussion with your therapist so that we can get (or stay!) on the same page throughout treatment.
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